Educational approach
Sutherland House School offers a learning environment based on clarity, with well-defined routines and expectations. We make extensive use of personal timetables and visual clarification through sign, symbol or picture. This incorporates elements of TEACCH and PECS.
Positive intervention
We provide a positive and active teaching style, involving a calm, sensitive but persistent intervention with high expectations.
Individual teaching
Students experience regular and frequent periods of individual teaching alongside opportunities for group and independent work.
Emphasis of communication and interaction
Staff and student engagement is encouraged through all parts of the school day and areas of the curriculum, plus specific individual sessions using musical interaction and intensive interaction also take place.
Awareness of sensory issues
Individual student responses to sensory information in their environment is central when planning educational experiences. Where needed, this includes detailed sensory profiling and the provision of sensory diets.
Autism focused support
The document below introduces an overarching model of support at Sutherland House School.